cfssl 证书签发工具使用

发布时间: 更新时间: 总字数:239 阅读时间:1m 作者: IP上海 分享 网址
  1. 免费HTTPS证书Let's Encrypt安装教程
  2. 多域名(SAN/UCC)生成CSR操作指南
  3. 免费通配符/泛域名SSL证书申请
  4. Let’s Encrypt 私有部署方案
  5. cfssl 证书签发工具使用(当前)
  6. wireshark 抓 HTTPs/TLS 流量包

cfssl 证书签发工具使用



  • Ubuntu
$ apt install golang-cfssl
$ cfssl version
Version: 1.2.0
Revision: dev
Runtime: go1.8.1



签发 k8s 证书示例

已签署 velero 为例

  • velero-csr.json
  "CN": "velero",
  "hosts": [],
  "key": {
    "algo": "rsa",
    "size": 2048
  "names": [
      "C": "CN",
      "ST": "Shanghai",
      "L": "Shanghai",
      "O": "",
      "OU": "System"
  • 执行证书签发
$ cfssl gencert -ca=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt -ca-key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key -profile=kubernetes ./velero-csr.json | cfssljson -bare velero
2022/09/01 19:07:00 [INFO] generate received request
2022/09/01 19:07:00 [INFO] received CSR
2022/09/01 19:07:00 [INFO] generating key: rsa-2048
2022/09/01 19:07:01 [INFO] encoded CSR
2022/09/01 19:07:01 [INFO] signed certificate with serial number 189907845831992997781066517490680137593355413304
2022/09/01 19:07:01 [WARNING] This certificate lacks a "hosts" field. This makes it unsuitable for
websites. For more information see the Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management
of Publicly-Trusted Certificates, v.1.1.6, from the CA/Browser Forum (;
specifically, section 10.2.3 ("Information Requirements").

# 签发后的证书信息
$  ls -lhart
total 20K
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  232 Sep  1 19:05 velero-csr.json
drwx------ 10 root root 4.0K Sep  1 19:05 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1.3K Sep  1 19:07 velero.pem
-rw-------  1 root root 1.7K Sep  1 19:07 velero-key.pem
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1013 Sep  1 19:07 velero.csr



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