PowerBuilder A target is required to complete this operation. 问题

发布时间: 更新时间: 总字数:187 阅读时间:1m 作者: IP上海 分享 网址
  1. PowerBuilder中出现Connect failed:Integrated logins are not permitted问题解决
  2. PowerBuilder A target is required to complete this operation. 问题(当前)
  3. Powerbuilder 中出现 Specified database is invalid (指定的数据库无效)问题解决方案
  4. PowerBuilder Errorc0003:Condition for if statement must be a boolean 问题
  5. Powerbuilder10.0中多个库文件的建立(***.pbl文件的建立)
  6. Powerbuilder中窗体等控件的重命名方法
  7. PowerBuilder 增删改查小实例
  8. PB中用DataWindow.Update更新数据

PowerBuilder A target is required to complete this operation. 问题



  • A target is required to complete this operation.一个目标必须完成这次操作。

powerbuilder A target is required to complete this operation

  • The following targets could not be opened and will be removed from the wordspace.

powerbuilder could not be opened

powerbuilder could not be opened



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