Linux 系统使用磁盘时,有需要对磁盘容量和 inode 限制的需求,下面介绍如何对 XFS
- 类型:
和 EXT4
等磁盘分区生效 - 范围:指定用户、组生效,如果是用户组,组内所有用户的磁盘总和不能超过限制
- 类型:磁盘容量、文件数(Inode)
- 方式:软限制、硬限制。硬限大于等于软限制,否者软限制失效
由 xfsprogs
yum install xfsprogs -y
$ man xfs_quota
xfs_quota - manage use of quota on XFS filesystems
xfs_quota [ -x ] [ -p prog ] [ -c cmd ] ... [ -d project ] ... [ path ... ]
xfs_quota -V
limit [ -g | -p | -u ] bsoft=N | bhard=N | isoft=N | ihard=N | rtbsoft=N | rtbhard=N -d | id | name
Set quota block limits (bhard/bsoft), inode count limits (ihard/isoft) and/or realtime block limits
(rtbhard/rtbsoft). The -d option (defaults) can be used to set the default value that will be used,
otherwise a specific user/group/project name or numeric identifier must be specified.
xfs_quota -x -c 'limit [-ug] bsoft=N bhard=N isoft=N ihard=N <name>' <mount-point>
- -x 专家模式,允许对配额系统进行修改
- -c 子命令选项,依赖专家模式
- 子命令:
- df
-b (block) -i (inode) -h
- timer 宽限时间
- limit
- -u:对用户限制
- -g:对组限制
- bsoft:磁盘容量软限制
- bhard:磁盘容量硬限制
- isoft:文件数量软限制
- ihard:文件数量硬限制
- report 列出quota项目
- -u:对用户查看
- -g:对组查看
- -a:查看所有可用分区的配额使用报告
- -b:查看磁盘容量
- -i:查看文件数
- print 当前系统参数
- state 列出当前系统信息和相关的启动项
xfs_quota -x -c "timer [-ug] [-bir] Ndays"
xfs_quota -x -c 'df'
xfs_quota -x -c 'df -b'
xfs_quota -x -c 'df -b -i'
xfs_quota -x -c 'df -b -i -h'
xfs_quota -x -c 'print'
xfs_quota -x -c 'report'
xfs_quota -x -c 'report -ugr' <mount-point> # user/group/project
xfs_quota -x -c 'report -abi' <mount-point>
xfs_quota -x -c 'state'
groupadd tg
useradd -g tg user1
echo "pwd1" | passwd --stdin user1
useradd -g tg user2
echo "pwd1" | passwd --stdin user2
mkdir /home/tg
chgrp tg /home/tg
chmod 2770 /home/tg
mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb
/dev/sdb /home xfs defaults,usrquota,grpquota 0 0
$ mount -a
$ mount | grep home
/dev/sdb on /home type xfs (rw,relatime,attr2,inode64,usrquota,grpquota)
Quota 限制
# 查询支持Quota的分区
$ xfs_quota -x -c "print"
Filesystem Pathname
/home /dev/sdb (uquota, gquota)
# 查询Quota目录的使用情况
$ xfs_quota -x -c "df -h" /home
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Pathname
/dev/sdb 20.0G 32.4M 20.0G 0% /home
# 显示用户的Quota的限制信息
$ xfs_quota -x -c "report -ubih" /home
User quota on /home (/dev/sdb)
Blocks Inodes
User ID Used Soft Hard Warn/Grace Used Soft Hard Warn/Grace
---------- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
root 0 0 0 00 [------] 4 0 0 00 [------]
user1 12K 0 0 00 [------] 4 0 0 00 [------]
user2 12K 0 0 00 [------] 4 0 0 00 [------]
# 根据用户和块大小限制
$ xfs_quota -x -c "limit -u bsoft=50M bhard=100M user1" /home
$ xfs_quota -x -c "limit -u bsoft=50M bhard=100M user2" /home
# 检查配置
$ xfs_quota -x -c "report -ubih" /home
User quota on /home (/dev/sdb)
Blocks Inodes
User ID Used Soft Hard Warn/Grace Used Soft Hard Warn/Grace
---------- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
root 0 0 0 00 [------] 4 0 0 00 [------]
user1 12K 50M 100M 00 [------] 4 0 0 00 [------]
user2 12K 50M 100M 00 [------] 4 0 0 00 [------]
# 根据组和块大小限制
$ xfs_quota -x -c "limit -g bsoft=120M bhard=1G tg" /home
# 检查配置
$ xfs_quota -x -c "report -gbih" /home
Group quota on /home (/dev/sdb)
Blocks Inodes
Group ID Used Soft Hard Warn/Grace Used Soft Hard Warn/Grace
---------- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
root 0 0 0 00 [------] 3 0 0 00 [------]
tg 24K 120M 1G 00 [------] 9 0 0 00 [------]
$ xfs_quota -x -c "state" /home
User quota state on /home (/dev/sdb)
Accounting: ON
Enforcement: ON
Inode: #67 (2 blocks, 2 extents)
Group quota state on /home (/dev/sdb)
Accounting: ON
Enforcement: ON
Inode: #68 (2 blocks, 2 extents)
Project quota state on /home (/dev/sdb)
Accounting: OFF
Enforcement: OFF
Inode: #68 (2 blocks, 2 extents)
Blocks grace time: [7 days]
Inodes grace time: [7 days]
Realtime Blocks grace time: [7 days]
# 配置宽限时间
$ xfs_quota -x -c "timer -bir -g 14days" /home
$ xfs_quota -x -c "timer -bir -u 14days" /home
# 验证配置
$ xfs_quota -x -c "state" /home
User quota state on /home (/dev/sdb)
Accounting: ON
Enforcement: ON
Inode: #67 (2 blocks, 2 extents)
Group quota state on /home (/dev/sdb)
Accounting: ON
Enforcement: ON
Inode: #68 (2 blocks, 2 extents)
Project quota state on /home (/dev/sdb)
Accounting: OFF
Enforcement: OFF
Inode: #68 (2 blocks, 2 extents)
Blocks grace time: [14 days]
Inodes grace time: [14 days]
Realtime Blocks grace time: [14 days]
# 写 80M,功能正常
$ su - user1
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=data bs=1M count=80
80+0 records in
80+0 records out
83886080 bytes (84 MB) copied, 0.113732 s, 738 MB/s
$ ls -lhrt
total 80M
-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 tg 80M Oct 4 08:55 data
$ exit
# 查看配额
$ xfs_quota -x -c "report -ubh" /home
User quota on /home (/dev/sdb)
User ID Used Soft Hard Warn/Grace
---------- ---------------------------------
root 0 0 0 00 [0 days]
user1 80.0M 50M 100M 00 [13 days]
user2 12K 50M 100M 00 [------]
# 在写 80M,写入失败
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=data2 bs=1M count=80
dd: error writing ‘data2’: Disk quota exceeded
20+0 records in
19+0 records out
19922944 bytes (20 MB) copied, 0.0488839 s, 408 MB/s
$ ls -lhrt
total 99M
-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 tg 80M Oct 4 08:56 data
-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 tg 19M Oct 4 08:56 data2
Project 限制
配置 fstab
/dev/sdb /home xfs defaults,usrquota,pquota 0 0
$ umount /home
$ mount -a
$ mount -l | grep home
/dev/sdb on /home type xfs (rw,relatime,attr2,inode64,usrquota,prjquota)
$ xfs_quota -x -c "state"
User quota state on /home (/dev/sdb)
Accounting: ON
Enforcement: ON
Inode: #67 (2 blocks, 2 extents)
Group quota state on /home (/dev/sdb)
Accounting: OFF
Enforcement: OFF
Inode: #68 (2 blocks, 2 extents)
Project quota state on /home (/dev/sdb)
Accounting: ON
Enforcement: ON
Inode: #68 (2 blocks, 2 extents)
Blocks grace time: [14 days]
Inodes grace time: [14 days]
Realtime Blocks grace time: [14 days]
# 创建目录
$ mkdir /home/proj
# 设置项目识别号,不重复原则
$ echo "01:/home/proj" >> /etc/projects
# 指定项目名称并关联项目识别号
$ echo "proj:01" >> /etc/projid
# 初始化项目名称
$ xfs_quota -x -c "project -s proj"
Setting up project proj (path /home/proj)...
Processed 1 (/etc/projects and cmdline) paths for project proj with recursion depth infinite (-1).
Setting up project proj (path /home/proj)...
Processed 1 (/etc/projects and cmdline) paths for project proj with recursion depth infinite (-1).
Setting up project proj (path /home/proj)...
Processed 1 (/etc/projects and cmdline) paths for project proj with recursion depth infinite (-1).
# 检查配置
$ xfs_quota -x -c "print " /home
Filesystem Pathname
/home /dev/sdb (uquota, pquota)
/home/proj /dev/sdb (project 1, proj)
$ xfs_quota -x -c "report -pbih " /home
xfs_quota -x -c "report -pbih " /home
Project quota on /home (/dev/sdb)
Blocks Inodes
Project ID Used Soft Hard Warn/Grace Used Soft Hard Warn/Grace
---------- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
#0 99.0M 0 0 00 [------] 15 0 0 00 [------]
proj 0 0 0 00 [------] 1 0 0 00 [------]
# 根据块大小配置限制
$ xfs_quota -x -c "limit -p bsoft=80M bhard=100M proj" /home
# 检查配置
$ xfs_quota -x -c "report -pbih" /home
Project quota on /home (/dev/sdb)
Blocks Inodes
Project ID Used Soft Hard Warn/Grace Used Soft Hard Warn/Grace
---------- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
#0 99.0M 0 0 00 [------] 15 0 0 00 [------]
proj 0 80M 100M 00 [------] 1 0 0 00 [------]
# 验证配置
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/proj/data bs=1M count=80
80+0 records in
80+0 records out
83886080 bytes (84 MB) copied, 0.062301 s, 1.3 GB/s
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/proj/data2 bs=1M count=80
dd: error writing ‘/home/proj/data2’: No space left on device
21+0 records in
20+0 records out
20971520 bytes (21 MB) copied, 0.0247199 s, 848 MB/s
Quota 管理
$ xfs_quota -x -c "disable -up" /home
# 检查禁用
$ xfs_quota -x -c "state" /home
User quota state on /home (/dev/sdb)
Accounting: ON
Enforcement: OFF
Inode: #67 (2 blocks, 2 extents)
Group quota state on /home (/dev/sdb)
Accounting: OFF
Enforcement: OFF
Inode: #68 (2 blocks, 2 extents)
Project quota state on /home (/dev/sdb)
Accounting: ON
Enforcement: OFF
Inode: #68 (2 blocks, 2 extents)
Blocks grace time: [14 days]
Inodes grace time: [14 days]
Realtime Blocks grace time: [14 days]
# 验证禁用
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/user1/data1 bs=1M count=120
120+0 records in
120+0 records out
125829120 bytes (126 MB) copied, 0.284074 s, 443 MB/s
# 查阅Quota状态
$ xfs_quota -x -c "report -pbh" /home
Project quota on /home (/dev/sdb)
Project ID Used Soft Hard Warn/Grace
---------- ---------------------------------
#0 355.0M 0 0 00 [------]
proj 100M 80M 100M 00 [------]
临时启动 Quota
$ xfs_quota -x -c "enable -up" /home
# 检验启动
$ su - user1
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/user1/data1 bs=1M count=120
dd: error writing ‘/home/user1/data1’: Disk quota exceeded
1+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes (0 B) copied, 0.000681961 s, 0.0 kB/s
xfs_quota -x -c "off -up" /home
xfs_quota -x -c "remove -p" /home