启动 KVM 虚拟机

发布时间: 更新时间: 总字数:3945 阅读时间:8m 作者: IP上海 分享 网址

下面介绍使用 virt-install/kvm 创建 VM。


  • 镜像默认目录 /var/lib/libvirt/images/
  • 虚拟机配置文件默认目录 /etc/libvirt/qemu/



$ kvm --help
QEMU emulator version 4.2.1 (Debian 1:4.2-3ubuntu6.19)
Copyright (c) 2003-2019 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers
usage: qemu-system-x86_64 [options] [disk_image]

'disk_image' is a raw hard disk image for IDE hard disk 0

Standard options:
-h or -help     display this help and exit
-version        display version information and exit
-machine [type=]name[,prop[=value][,...]]
                selects emulated machine ('-machine help' for list)
                property accel=accel1[:accel2[:...]] selects accelerator
                supported accelerators are kvm, xen, hax, hvf, whpx or tcg (default: tcg)
                kernel_irqchip=on|off|split controls accelerated irqchip support (default=off)
                vmport=on|off|auto controls emulation of vmport (default: auto)
                kvm_shadow_mem=size of KVM shadow MMU in bytes
                dump-guest-core=on|off include guest memory in a core dump (default=on)
                mem-merge=on|off controls memory merge support (default: on)
                igd-passthru=on|off controls IGD GFX passthrough support (default=off)
                aes-key-wrap=on|off controls support for AES key wrapping (default=on)
                dea-key-wrap=on|off controls support for DEA key wrapping (default=on)
                suppress-vmdesc=on|off disables self-describing migration (default=off)
                nvdimm=on|off controls NVDIMM support (default=off)
                enforce-config-section=on|off enforce configuration section migration (default=off)
                memory-encryption=@var{} memory encryption object to use (default=none)
-cpu cpu        select CPU ('-cpu help' for list)
-accel [accel=]accelerator[,thread=single|multi]
                select accelerator (kvm, xen, hax, hvf, whpx or tcg; use 'help' for a list)
                thread=single|multi (enable multi-threaded TCG)
-smp [cpus=]n[,maxcpus=cpus][,cores=cores][,threads=threads][,dies=dies][,sockets=sockets]
                set the number of CPUs to 'n' [default=1]
                maxcpus= maximum number of total cpus, including
                offline CPUs for hotplug, etc
                cores= number of CPU cores on one socket (for PC, it's on one die)
                threads= number of threads on one CPU core
                dies= number of CPU dies on one socket (for PC only)
                sockets= number of discrete sockets in the system
-numa node[,mem=size][,cpus=firstcpu[-lastcpu]][,nodeid=node]
-numa node[,memdev=id][,cpus=firstcpu[-lastcpu]][,nodeid=node]
-numa dist,src=source,dst=destination,val=distance
-numa cpu,node-id=node[,socket-id=x][,core-id=y][,thread-id=z]
-add-fd fd=fd,set=set[,opaque=opaque]
                Add 'fd' to fd 'set'
-set group.id.arg=value
                set <arg> parameter for item <id> of type <group>
                i.e. -set drive.$id.file=/path/to/image
-global driver.property=value
-global driver=driver,property=property,value=value
                set a global default for a driver property
-boot [order=drives][,once=drives][,menu=on|off]
                'drives': floppy (a), hard disk (c), CD-ROM (d), network (n)
                'sp_name': the file's name that would be passed to bios as logo picture, if menu=on
                'sp_time': the period that splash picture last if menu=on, unit is ms
                'rb_timeout': the timeout before guest reboot when boot failed, unit is ms
-m [size=]megs[,slots=n,maxmem=size]
                configure guest RAM
                size: initial amount of guest memory
                slots: number of hotplug slots (default: none)
                maxmem: maximum amount of guest memory (default: none)
NOTE: Some architectures might enforce a specific granularity
-mem-path FILE  provide backing storage for guest RAM
-mem-prealloc   preallocate guest memory (use with -mem-path)
-k language     use keyboard layout (for example 'fr' for French)
-audio-help     show -audiodev equivalent of the currently specified audio settings
-audiodev [driver=]driver,id=id[,prop[=value][,...]]
                specifies the audio backend to use
                id= identifier of the backend
                timer-period= timer period in microseconds
                in|out.mixing-engine= use mixing engine to mix streams inside QEMU
                in|out.fixed-settings= use fixed settings for host audio
                in|out.frequency= frequency to use with fixed settings
                in|out.channels= number of channels to use with fixed settings
                in|out.format= sample format to use with fixed settings
                valid values: s8, s16, s32, u8, u16, u32
                in|out.voices= number of voices to use
                in|out.buffer-length= length of buffer in microseconds
-audiodev none,id=id,[,prop[=value][,...]]
                dummy driver that discards all output
-audiodev alsa,id=id[,prop[=value][,...]]
                in|out.dev= name of the audio device to use
                in|out.period-length= length of period in microseconds
                in|out.try-poll= attempt to use poll mode
                threshold= threshold (in microseconds) when playback starts
-audiodev oss,id=id[,prop[=value][,...]]
                in|out.dev= path of the audio device to use
                in|out.buffer-count= number of buffers
                in|out.try-poll= attempt to use poll mode
                try-mmap= try using memory mapped access
                exclusive= open device in exclusive mode
                dsp-policy= set timing policy (0..10), -1 to use fragment mode
-audiodev pa,id=id[,prop[=value][,...]]
                server= PulseAudio server address
                in|out.name= source/sink device name
                in|out.latency= desired latency in microseconds
-audiodev spice,id=id[,prop[=value][,...]]
-audiodev wav,id=id[,prop[=value][,...]]
                path= path of wav file to record
-soundhw c1,... enable audio support
                and only specified sound cards (comma separated list)
                use '-soundhw help' to get the list of supported cards
                use '-soundhw all' to enable all of them
-device driver[,prop[=value][,...]]
                add device (based on driver)
                prop=value,... sets driver properties
                use '-device help' to print all possible drivers
                use '-device driver,help' to print all possible properties
-name string1[,process=string2][,debug-threads=on|off]
                set the name of the guest
                string1 sets the window title and string2 the process name
                When debug-threads is enabled, individual threads are given a separate name
                NOTE: The thread names are for debugging and not a stable API.
-uuid %08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x
                specify machine UUID

Block device options:
-fda/-fdb file  use 'file' as floppy disk 0/1 image
-hda/-hdb file  use 'file' as IDE hard disk 0/1 image
-hdc/-hdd file  use 'file' as IDE hard disk 2/3 image
-cdrom file     use 'file' as IDE cdrom image (cdrom is ide1 master)
-blockdev [driver=]driver[,node-name=N][,discard=ignore|unmap]
          [,driver specific parameters...]
                configure a block backend
-drive [file=file][,if=type][,bus=n][,unit=m][,media=d][,index=i]
                use 'file' as a drive image
-mtdblock file  use 'file' as on-board Flash memory image
-sd file        use 'file' as SecureDigital card image
-pflash file    use 'file' as a parallel flash image
-snapshot       write to temporary files instead of disk image files
-fsdev local,id=id,path=path,security_model=mapped-xattr|mapped-file|passthrough|none
-fsdev proxy,id=id,socket=socket[,writeout=immediate][,readonly]
-fsdev proxy,id=id,sock_fd=sock_fd[,writeout=immediate][,readonly]
-fsdev synth,id=id
-virtfs local,path=path,mount_tag=tag,security_model=mapped-xattr|mapped-file|passthrough|none
-virtfs proxy,mount_tag=tag,socket=socket[,id=id][,writeout=immediate][,readonly]
-virtfs proxy,mount_tag=tag,sock_fd=sock_fd[,id=id][,writeout=immediate][,readonly]
-virtfs synth,mount_tag=tag[,id=id][,readonly]
-virtfs_synth Create synthetic file system image
-iscsi [user=user][,password=password]
                iSCSI session parameters

USB options:
-usb            enable on-board USB host controller (if not enabled by default)
-usbdevice name add the host or guest USB device 'name'

Display options:
-display spice-app[,gl=on|off]
-display gtk[,grab_on_hover=on|off][,gl=on|off]|
-display vnc=<display>[,<optargs>]
-display curses[,charset=<encoding>]
-display egl-headless[,rendernode=<file>]
-display none
                select display backend type
                The default display is equivalent to
                "-display gtk"
-nographic      disable graphical output and redirect serial I/Os to console
-curses         shorthand for -display curses
-alt-grab       use Ctrl-Alt-Shift to grab mouse (instead of Ctrl-Alt)
-ctrl-grab      use Right-Ctrl to grab mouse (instead of Ctrl-Alt)
-no-quit        disable SDL window close capability
-sdl            shorthand for -display sdl
-spice [port=port][,tls-port=secured-port][,x509-dir=<dir>]
   enable spice
   at least one of {port, tls-port} is mandatory
-portrait       rotate graphical output 90 deg left (only PXA LCD)
-rotate <deg>   rotate graphical output some deg left (only PXA LCD)
-vga [std|cirrus|vmware|qxl|xenfb|tcx|cg3|virtio|none]
                select video card type
-full-screen    start in full screen
-vnc <display>  shorthand for -display vnc=<display>

i386 target only:
-win2k-hack     use it when installing Windows 2000 to avoid a disk full bug
-no-fd-bootchk  disable boot signature checking for floppy disks
-no-acpi        disable ACPI
-no-hpet        disable HPET
-acpitable [sig=str][,rev=n][,oem_id=str][,oem_table_id=str][,oem_rev=n][,asl_compiler_id=str][,asl_compiler_rev=n][,{data|file}=file1[:file2]...]
                ACPI table description
-smbios file=binary
                load SMBIOS entry from binary file
-smbios type=0[,vendor=str][,version=str][,date=str][,release=%d.%d]
                specify SMBIOS type 0 fields
-smbios type=1[,manufacturer=str][,product=str][,version=str][,serial=str]
                specify SMBIOS type 1 fields
-smbios type=2[,manufacturer=str][,product=str][,version=str][,serial=str]
                specify SMBIOS type 2 fields
-smbios type=3[,manufacturer=str][,version=str][,serial=str][,asset=str]
                specify SMBIOS type 3 fields
-smbios type=4[,sock_pfx=str][,manufacturer=str][,version=str][,serial=str]
                specify SMBIOS type 4 fields
-smbios type=17[,loc_pfx=str][,bank=str][,manufacturer=str][,serial=str]
                specify SMBIOS type 17 fields

Network options:
-netdev user,id=str[,ipv4[=on|off]][,net=addr[/mask]][,host=addr]
                configure a user mode network backend with ID 'str',
                its DHCP server and optional services
-netdev tap,id=str[,fd=h][,fds=x:y:...:z][,ifname=name][,script=file][,downscript=dfile]
                configure a host TAP network backend with ID 'str'
                connected to a bridge (default=br0)
                use network scripts 'file' (default=/etc/qemu-ifup)
                to configure it and 'dfile' (default=/etc/qemu-ifdown)
                to deconfigure it
                use '[down]script=no' to disable script execution
                use network helper 'helper' (default=/usr/lib/qemu/qemu-bridge-helper) to
                configure it
                use 'fd=h' to connect to an already opened TAP interface
                use 'fds=x:y:...:z' to connect to already opened multiqueue capable TAP interfaces
                use 'sndbuf=nbytes' to limit the size of the send buffer (the
                default is disabled 'sndbuf=0' to enable flow control set 'sndbuf=1048576')
                use vnet_hdr=off to avoid enabling the IFF_VNET_HDR tap flag
                use vnet_hdr=on to make the lack of IFF_VNET_HDR support an error condition
                use vhost=on to enable experimental in kernel accelerator
                    (only has effect for virtio guests which use MSIX)
                use vhostforce=on to force vhost on for non-MSIX virtio guests
                use 'vhostfd=h' to connect to an already opened vhost net device
                use 'vhostfds=x:y:...:z to connect to multiple already opened vhost net devices
                use 'queues=n' to specify the number of queues to be created for multiqueue TAP
                use 'poll-us=n' to speciy the maximum number of microseconds that could be
                spent on busy polling for vhost net
-netdev bridge,id=str[,br=bridge][,helper=helper]
                configure a host TAP network backend with ID 'str' that is
                connected to a bridge (default=br0)
                using the program 'helper (default=/usr/lib/qemu/qemu-bridge-helper)
-netdev l2tpv3,id=str,src=srcaddr,dst=dstaddr[,srcport=srcport][,dstport=dstport]
                configure a network backend with ID 'str' connected to
                an Ethernet over L2TPv3 pseudowire.
                Linux kernel 3.3+ as well as most routers can talk
                L2TPv3. This transport allows connecting a VM to a VM,
                VM to a router and even VM to Host. It is a nearly-universal
                standard (RFC3391). Note - this implementation uses static
                pre-configured tunnels (same as the Linux kernel).
                use 'src=' to specify source address
                use 'dst=' to specify destination address
                use 'udp=on' to specify udp encapsulation
                use 'srcport=' to specify source udp port
                use 'dstport=' to specify destination udp port
                use 'ipv6=on' to force v6
                L2TPv3 uses cookies to prevent misconfiguration as
                well as a weak security measure
                use 'rxcookie=0x012345678' to specify a rxcookie
                use 'txcookie=0x012345678' to specify a txcookie
                use 'cookie64=on' to set cookie size to 64 bit, otherwise 32
                use 'counter=off' to force a 'cut-down' L2TPv3 with no counter
                use 'pincounter=on' to work around broken counter handling in peer
                use 'offset=X' to add an extra offset between header and data
-netdev socket,id=str[,fd=h][,listen=[host]:port][,connect=host:port]
                configure a network backend to connect to another network
                using a socket connection
-netdev socket,id=str[,fd=h][,mcast=maddr:port[,localaddr=addr]]
                configure a network backend to connect to a multicast maddr and port
                use 'localaddr=addr' to specify the host address to send packets from
-netdev socket,id=str[,fd=h][,udp=host:port][,localaddr=host:port]
                configure a network backend to connect to another network
                using an UDP tunnel
-netdev vhost-user,id=str,chardev=dev[,vhostforce=on|off]
                configure a vhost-user network, backed by a chardev 'dev'
-netdev hubport,id=str,hubid=n[,netdev=nd]
                configure a hub port on the hub with ID 'n'
-nic [tap|bridge|user|l2tpv3|vhost-user|socket][,option][,...][mac=macaddr]
                initialize an on-board / default host NIC (using MAC address
                macaddr) and connect it to the given host network backend
-nic none       use it alone to have zero network devices (the default is to
                provided a 'user' network connection)
-net nic[,macaddr=mac][,model=type][,name=str][,addr=str][,vectors=v]
                configure or create an on-board (or machine default) NIC and
                connect it to hub 0 (please use -nic unless you need a hub)
-net [user|tap|bridge|socket][,option][,option][,...]
                old way to initialize a host network interface
                (use the -netdev option if possible instead)

Character device options:
-chardev help
-chardev null,id=id[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev socket,id=id[,host=host],port=port[,to=to][,ipv4][,ipv6][,nodelay][,reconnect=seconds]
         [,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off][,tls-creds=ID][,tls-authz=ID] (tcp)
-chardev socket,id=id,path=path[,server][,nowait][,telnet][,websocket][,reconnect=seconds]
         [,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off] (unix)
-chardev udp,id=id[,host=host],port=port[,localaddr=localaddr]
-chardev msmouse,id=id[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev vc,id=id[[,width=width][,height=height]][[,cols=cols][,rows=rows]]
-chardev ringbuf,id=id[,size=size][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev file,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev pipe,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev pty,id=id[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev stdio,id=id[,mux=on|off][,signal=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev braille,id=id[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev serial,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev tty,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev parallel,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev parport,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev spicevmc,id=id,name=name[,debug=debug][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]
-chardev spiceport,id=id,name=name[,debug=debug][,logfile=PATH][,logappend=on|off]

Bluetooth(R) options:
-bt hci,null    dumb bluetooth HCI - doesn't respond to commands
-bt hci,host[:id]
                use host's HCI with the given name
-bt hci[,vlan=n]
                emulate a standard HCI in virtual scatternet 'n'
-bt vhci[,vlan=n]
                add host computer to virtual scatternet 'n' using VHCI
-bt device:dev[,vlan=n]
                emulate a bluetooth device 'dev' in scatternet 'n'

TPM device options:
-tpmdev passthrough,id=id[,path=path][,cancel-path=path]
                use path to provide path to a character device; default is /dev/tpm0
                use cancel-path to provide path to TPM's cancel sysfs entry; if
                not provided it will be searched for in /sys/class/misc/tpm?/device
-tpmdev emulator,id=id,chardev=dev
                configure the TPM device using chardev backend

Linux/Multiboot boot specific:
-kernel bzImage use 'bzImage' as kernel image
-append cmdline use 'cmdline' as kernel command line
-initrd file    use 'file' as initial ram disk
-dtb    file    use 'file' as device tree image

Debug/Expert options:
-fw_cfg [name=]<name>,file=<file>
                add named fw_cfg entry with contents from file
-fw_cfg [name=]<name>,string=<str>
                add named fw_cfg entry with contents from string
-serial dev     redirect the serial port to char device 'dev'
-parallel dev   redirect the parallel port to char device 'dev'
-monitor dev    redirect the monitor to char device 'dev'
-qmp dev        like -monitor but opens in 'control' mode
-qmp-pretty dev like -qmp but uses pretty JSON formatting
-mon [chardev=]name[,mode=readline|control][,pretty[=on|off]]
-debugcon dev   redirect the debug console to char device 'dev'
-pidfile file   write PID to 'file'
-singlestep     always run in singlestep mode
--preconfig     pause QEMU before machine is initialized (experimental)
-S              freeze CPU at startup (use 'c' to start execution)
-realtime [mlock=on|off]
                run qemu with realtime features
                mlock=on|off controls mlock support (default: on)
-overcommit [mem-lock=on|off][cpu-pm=on|off]
                run qemu with overcommit hints
                mem-lock=on|off controls memory lock support (default: off)
                cpu-pm=on|off controls cpu power management (default: off)
-gdb dev        wait for gdb connection on 'dev'
-s              shorthand for -gdb tcp::1234
-d item1,...    enable logging of specified items (use '-d help' for a list of log items)
-D logfile      output log to logfile (default stderr)
-dfilter range,..  filter debug output to range of addresses (useful for -d cpu,exec,etc..)
-seed number       seed the pseudo-random number generator
-L path         set the directory for the BIOS, VGA BIOS and keymaps
-bios file      set the filename for the BIOS
-enable-kvm     enable KVM full virtualization support
-xen-domid id   specify xen guest domain id
-xen-attach     attach to existing xen domain
                libxl will use this when starting QEMU
-xen-domid-restrict     restrict set of available xen operations
                        to specified domain id. (Does not affect
                        xenpv machine type).
-no-reboot      exit instead of rebooting
-no-shutdown    stop before shutdown
-loadvm [tag|id]
                start right away with a saved state (loadvm in monitor)
-daemonize      daemonize QEMU after initializing
-option-rom rom load a file, rom, into the option ROM space
-rtc [base=utc|localtime|<datetime>][,clock=host|rt|vm][,driftfix=none|slew]
                set the RTC base and clock, enable drift fix for clock ticks (x86 only)
-icount [shift=N|auto][,align=on|off][,sleep=on|off,rr=record|replay,rrfile=<filename>,rrsnapshot=<snapshot>]
                enable virtual instruction counter with 2^N clock ticks per
                instruction, enable aligning the host and virtual clocks
                or disable real time cpu sleeping
-watchdog model
                enable virtual hardware watchdog [default=none]
-watchdog-action reset|shutdown|poweroff|inject-nmi|pause|debug|none
                action when watchdog fires [default=reset]
-echr chr       set terminal escape character instead of ctrl-a
-show-cursor    show cursor
-tb-size n      set TB size
-incoming tcp:[host]:port[,to=maxport][,ipv4][,ipv6]
-incoming rdma:host:port[,ipv4][,ipv6]
-incoming unix:socketpath
                prepare for incoming migration, listen on
                specified protocol and socket address
-incoming fd:fd
-incoming exec:cmdline
                accept incoming migration on given file descriptor
                or from given external command
-incoming defer
                wait for the URI to be specified via migrate_incoming
-only-migratable     allow only migratable devices
-nodefaults     don't create default devices
-chroot dir     chroot to dir just before starting the VM
-runas user     change to user id user just before starting the VM
                user can be numeric uid:gid instead
-sandbox on[,obsolete=allow|deny][,elevateprivileges=allow|deny|children]
                Enable seccomp mode 2 system call filter (default 'off').
                use 'obsolete' to allow obsolete system calls that are provided
                    by the kernel, but typically no longer used by modern
                    C library implementations.
                use 'elevateprivileges' to allow or deny QEMU process to elevate
                    its privileges by blacklisting all set*uid|gid system calls.
                    The value 'children' will deny set*uid|gid system calls for
                    main QEMU process but will allow forks and execves to run unprivileged
                use 'spawn' to avoid QEMU to spawn new threads or processes by
                     blacklisting *fork and execve
                use 'resourcecontrol' to disable process affinity and schedular priority
-readconfig <file>
-writeconfig <file>
                read/write config file
                do not load default user-provided config files at startup
-trace [[enable=]<pattern>][,events=<file>][,file=<file>]
                specify tracing options
-plugin [file=]<file>[,arg=<string>]
                load a plugin
-enable-fips    enable FIPS 140-2 compliance
-msg timestamp[=on|off]
                change the format of messages
                on|off controls leading timestamps (default:on)
-dump-vmstate <file>
                Output vmstate information in JSON format to file.
                Use the scripts/vmstate-static-checker.py file to
                check for possible regressions in migration code
                by comparing two such vmstate dumps.
                enable synchronization profiling

Generic object creation:
-object TYPENAME[,PROP1=VALUE1,...]
                create a new object of type TYPENAME setting properties
                in the order they are specified.  Note that the 'id'
                property must be set.  These objects are placed in the
                '/objects' path.

During emulation, the following keys are useful:
ctrl-alt-f      toggle full screen
ctrl-alt-n      switch to virtual console 'n'
ctrl-alt        toggle mouse and keyboard grab

When using -nographic, press 'ctrl-a h' to get some help.

See <https://qemu.org/contribute/report-a-bug> for how to report bugs.
More information on the QEMU project at <https://qemu.org>.


# 初始化磁盘
$ qemu-img create -f qcow2 test.qcow2 20G
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=./test.img bs=1M count=20480

# 启动虚拟机
$ kvm -m 1024 -vnc :0 -hda ./test.qcow2 -cdrom CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1908.iso # -cpu host

然后使用 vnc-viewer 访问 5900(= 5900 + vnc 后面的id) 端口,安装操作系统。系统安装完成后,test.qcow2 就是一个 KVM 镜像。


  • -m 内存
  • -smp CPU个数,格式为 -smp n[,maxcpus=cpus][,cores=cores][,threads=threads][,sockets=sockets]
    • n vcpu 数量,默认为 1
    • maxcpus 最大 vcpu 数量
    • cores 每个 cpu 的 core 数量
    • threads 每个 core 线程数量
    • sockets cpu 插槽数
  • -cdrom CD
  • -drive file 文件
  • -fda 驱动
  • -boot boot启动
    • a, b (floppy 1 and 2)
    • c (first hard disk),hard disk boot is the default
    • d (first CD-ROM)
      • n-p (Etherboot from network adapter 1-4)
  • -vnc VNC端口


  • 虚拟机中 cpu 被称为 vcpu
  • 每个虚拟机是宿主机中的一个 qemu 进程
  • 每个 vcpuqemu 进程派生出来的一个线程



$ virt-install --help
usage: virt-install --name NAME --memory MB STORAGE INSTALL [options]

Create a new virtual machine from specified install media.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --connect URI         Connect to hypervisor with libvirt URI

General Options:
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Name of the guest instance
  --memory MEMORY       Configure guest memory allocation. Ex:
                        --memory 1024 (in MiB)
                        --memory memory=1024,currentMemory=512
  --vcpus VCPUS         Number of vcpus to configure for your guest. Ex:
                        --vcpus 5
                        --vcpus 5,maxvcpus=10,cpuset=1-4,6,8
                        --vcpus sockets=2,cores=4,threads=2
  --cpu CPU             CPU model and features. Ex:
                        --cpu coreduo,+x2apic
                        --cpu host-passthrough
                        --cpu host
  --metadata METADATA   Configure guest metadata. Ex:
                        --metadata name=foo,title="My pretty title",uuid=...
                        --metadata description="My nice long description"

Installation Method Options:
  --cdrom CDROM         CD-ROM installation media
  -l LOCATION, --location LOCATION
                        Distro install URL, eg. https://host/path. See man page for specific distro examples.
  --pxe                 Boot from the network using the PXE protocol
  --import              Build guest around an existing disk image
  -x EXTRA_ARGS, --extra-args EXTRA_ARGS
                        Additional arguments to pass to the install kernel booted from --location
  --initrd-inject INITRD_INJECT
                        Add given file to root of initrd from --location
  --unattended [UNATTENDED]
                        Perform an unattended installation
  --install INSTALL     Specify fine grained install options
  --boot BOOT           Configure guest boot settings. Ex:
                        --boot hd,cdrom,menu=on
                        --boot init=/sbin/init (for containers)
  --idmap IDMAP         Enable user namespace for LXC container. Ex:
                        --idmap uid.start=0,uid.target=1000,uid.count=10

OS options:
  --os-variant OS_VARIANT
                        The OS being installed in the guest.
                        This is used for deciding optimal defaults like virtio.
                        Example values: fedora29, rhel7.0, win10, ...
                        See 'osinfo-query os' for a full list.

Device Options:
  --disk DISK           Specify storage with various options. Ex.
                        --disk size=10 (new 10GiB image in default location)
                        --disk /my/existing/disk,cache=none
                        --disk device=cdrom,bus=scsi
  -w NETWORK, --network NETWORK
                        Configure a guest network interface. Ex:
                        --network bridge=mybr0
                        --network network=my_libvirt_virtual_net
                        --network network=mynet,model=virtio,mac=00:11...
                        --network none
                        --network help
  --graphics GRAPHICS   Configure guest display settings. Ex:
                        --graphics spice
                        --graphics vnc,port=5901,listen=
                        --graphics none
  --controller CONTROLLER
                        Configure a guest controller device. Ex:
                        --controller type=usb,model=qemu-xhci
                        --controller virtio-scsi
  --input INPUT         Configure a guest input device. Ex:
                        --input tablet
                        --input keyboard,bus=usb
  --serial SERIAL       Configure a guest serial device
  --parallel PARALLEL   Configure a guest parallel device
  --channel CHANNEL     Configure a guest communication channel
  --console CONSOLE     Configure a text console connection between the guest and host
  --hostdev HOSTDEV     Configure physical USB/PCI/etc host devices to be shared with the guest
  --filesystem FILESYSTEM
                        Pass host directory to the guest. Ex:
                        --filesystem /my/source/dir,/dir/in/guest
                        --filesystem template_name,/,type=template
  --sound [SOUND]       Configure guest sound device emulation
  --watchdog WATCHDOG   Configure a guest watchdog device
  --video VIDEO         Configure guest video hardware.
  --smartcard SMARTCARD
                        Configure a guest smartcard device. Ex:
                        --smartcard mode=passthrough
  --redirdev REDIRDEV   Configure a guest redirection device. Ex:
                        --redirdev usb,type=tcp,server=
  --memballoon MEMBALLOON
                        Configure a guest memballoon device. Ex:
                        --memballoon model=virtio
  --tpm TPM             Configure a guest TPM device. Ex:
                        --tpm /dev/tpm
  --rng RNG             Configure a guest RNG device. Ex:
                        --rng /dev/urandom
  --panic PANIC         Configure a guest panic device. Ex:
                        --panic default
  --memdev MEMDEV       Configure a guest memory device. Ex:
                        --memdev dimm,target.size=1024
  --vsock VSOCK         Configure guest vsock sockets. Ex:
                        --vsock cid.auto=yes
                        --vsock cid.address=7

Guest Configuration Options:
  --iothreads IOTHREADS
                        Set domain <iothreads> and <iothreadids> configuration.
  --seclabel SECLABEL, --security SECLABEL
                        Set domain seclabel configuration.
  --cputune CPUTUNE     Tune CPU parameters for the domain process.
  --numatune NUMATUNE   Tune NUMA policy for the domain process.
  --memtune MEMTUNE     Tune memory policy for the domain process.
  --blkiotune BLKIOTUNE
                        Tune blkio policy for the domain process.
  --memorybacking MEMORYBACKING
                        Set memory backing policy for the domain process. Ex:
                        --memorybacking hugepages=on
  --features FEATURES   Set domain <features> XML. Ex:
                        --features acpi=off
                        --features apic=on,apic.eoi=on
  --clock CLOCK         Set domain <clock> XML. Ex:
                        --clock offset=localtime,rtc_tickpolicy=catchup
  --pm PM               Configure VM power management features
  --events EVENTS       Configure VM lifecycle management policy
  --resource RESOURCE   Configure VM resource partitioning (cgroups)
  --sysinfo SYSINFO     Configure SMBIOS System Information. Ex:
                        --sysinfo host
                        --sysinfo bios.vendor=MyVendor,bios.version=1.2.3,...
  --qemu-commandline QEMU_COMMANDLINE
                        Pass arguments directly to the qemu emulator. Ex:
                        --qemu-commandline='-display gtk,gl=on'
                        --qemu-commandline env=DISPLAY=:0.1
  --launchSecurity LAUNCHSECURITY, --launchsecurity LAUNCHSECURITY
                        Configure VM launch security (e.g. SEV memory encryption). Ex:
                        --launchSecurity type=sev,cbitpos=47,reducedPhysBits=1,policy=0x0001,dhCert=BASE64CERT
                        --launchSecurity sev

Virtualization Platform Options:
  -v, --hvm             This guest should be a fully virtualized guest
  -p, --paravirt        This guest should be a paravirtualized guest
  --container           This guest should be a container guest
  --virt-type VIRT_TYPE
                        Hypervisor name to use (kvm, qemu, xen, ...)
  --arch ARCH           The CPU architecture to simulate
  --machine MACHINE     The machine type to emulate

Miscellaneous Options:
  --autostart           Have domain autostart on host boot up.
  --transient           Create a transient domain.
  --destroy-on-exit     Force power off the domain when the console viewer is closed.
  --wait [WAIT]         Minutes to wait for install to complete.
  --noautoconsole       Don't automatically try to connect to the guest console
  --noreboot            Don't boot guest after completing install.
  --print-xml [XMLONLY]
                        Print the generated domain XML rather than create the guest.
  --dry-run             Run through install process, but do not create devices or define the guest.
  --check CHECK         Enable or disable validation checks. Example:
                        --check path_in_use=off
                        --check all=off
  -q, --quiet           Suppress non-error output
  -d, --debug           Print debugging information

Use '--option=?' or '--option help' to see available suboptions
See man page for examples and full option syntax.


  • 使用默认网络
virt-install \
  --name centos7 \
  --virt-type kvm \
  --vcpus 1 \
  --cpu IvyBridge \
  --memory 1024 \
  --location /data/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-2009.iso \
  --os-variant rhel7.0 \
  --disk path=/data/centos7.qcow2,size=15,format=qcow2 \
  --network network=default \
  --boot hd,cdrom,menu=on \
  --graphics vnc,port=5901,listen= \
  --extra-args='console=ttyS0' \

然后通过如下命令进入 console,[!]代表需要配置的,[x]代表已经设置了。输入对应的数字,配置和安装系统:

virsh console centos7

指定 --graphics 参数,需要通过命令行窗口,输入以下命令启动虚拟机管理GUI程序:


指定 linux bridge 网络

参考 Linux 网桥介绍 创建 bridge:

root@ubuntu:~# brctl show
bridge name	bridge id		STP enabled	interfaces
root@ubuntu:~# brctl addbr br0
root@ubuntu:~# brctl show
bridge name	bridge id		STP enabled	interfaces
br0		8000.c6c584f5fb2c	no
root@ubuntu:~# ip link set dev br0 up
root@ubuntu:~# ip addr add dev br0
root@ubuntu:~# ip a show br0
11: br0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether c6:c5:84:f5:fb:2c brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet scope global br0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
virt-install \
  --name centos7 \
  --virt-type kvm \
  --vcpus 1 \
  --cpu IvyBridge \
  --memory 1024 \
  --location /data/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-2009.iso \
  --disk path=/data/centos7.qcow2,size=15,format=qcow2 \
  --network bridge=br0 \
  --boot hd,cdrom,menu=on \
  --graphics vnc,port=5901,listen= \
  --extra-args='console=ttyS0' \
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