Git LFS 使用

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Git LFS(Git Large File Storage)Github 开发的一个 Git 的扩展,通过文件指针实现 Git大文件的支持。本文介绍git lfs原理、安装、配置和使用。



LFS(Large File Storage) 就是为了解决这一问题。它将你所标记的大文件保存至另外的仓库,而在主仓库仅保留其轻量级指针。那么在你检出版本时,根据指针的变化情况下更新对应的大文件,而不是在本地保存所有版本的大文件。



yum install git-lfs




brew install git-lfs


# git-lfs
Like Git, Git LFS commands are separated into high level ("porcelain")
commands and low level ("plumbing") commands.

High level commands

* git lfs env:
    Display the Git LFS environment.
* git lfs checkout:
    Populate working copy with real content from Git LFS files.
* git lfs fetch:
    Download Git LFS files from a remote.
* git lfs fsck:
    Check Git LFS files for consistency.
* git lfs install:
    Install Git LFS configuration.
* git lfs lock:
    Set a file as "locked" on the Git LFS server.
* git lfs locks:
    List currently "locked" files from the Git LFS server.
* git lfs logs:
    Show errors from the Git LFS command.
* git lfs ls-files:
    Show information about Git LFS files in the index and working tree.
* git lfs migrate:
    Migrate history to or from Git LFS
* git lfs prune:
    Delete old Git LFS files from local storage
* git lfs pull:
    Fetch Git LFS changes from the remote & checkout any required working tree
* git lfs push:
    Push queued large files to the Git LFS endpoint.
* git lfs status:
    Show the status of Git LFS files in the working tree.
* git lfs track:
    View or add Git LFS paths to Git attributes.
* git lfs uninstall:
    Uninstall Git LFS by removing hooks and smudge/clean filter configuration.
* git lfs unlock:
    Remove "locked" setting for a file on the Git LFS server.
* git lfs untrack:
    Remove Git LFS paths from Git Attributes.
* git lfs update:
    Update Git hooks for the current Git repository.
* git lfs version:
    Report the version number.

Low level commands

* git lfs clean:
    Git clean filter that converts large files to pointers.
* git lfs pointer:
    Build and compare pointers.
* git lfs pre-push:
    Git pre-push hook implementation.
* git lfs filter-process:
    Git process filter that converts between large files and pointers.
* git lfs smudge:
    Git smudge filter that converts pointer in blobs to the actual content.


To get started with Git LFS, the following commands can be used.

 1. Setup Git LFS on your system. You only have to do this once per
    repository per machine:

        git lfs install

 2. Choose the type of files you want to track, for examples all ISO
    images, with git lfs track:

        git lfs track "*.iso"

 3. The above stores this information in gitattributes(5) files, so
    that file need to be added to the repository:

        git add .gitattributes

 3. Commit, push and work with the files normally:

        git add file.iso
        git commit -m "Add disk image"
        git push



git lfs install



git lfs track <文件后缀>  # git lfs track "*.png" 追踪所有后缀为png的文件

记录在 .gitattributes 文件中,格式如下:

*.png	filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text

.gitattributes提交到 git 仓库中,lfs已经配置完成。后续的二进制addcommitpush同正常的代码提交完全一致,只是在push时会显示:

# git push origin master
Uploading LFS objects: 100% (3/3), 84 KB | 0 B/s, done


git lfs status
git lfs ls-files


git clone  # or git lfs clone


本周 blog 采用 git 管理,随着图片越存越多,git 仓库越来越大,clone是否不方便,现在记录迁移过程。

本文采用 git-lfs-migrate,连接件参考,下载步骤略。


找到所有大于 10k 的大文件

find . -type f -size +10k | grep -o -E "\.[^\.]+$" | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn


git clone --mirror


# java -jar git-lfs-migrate.jar \
    -s \
    -d \
    -g \
    --write-threads 64 \
    "*.png" \
    "*.jpg" \
    "*.gif" \
    "*.jpeg" \
    "*.ico" \
    "*.pdf" \
    "*.webp" \
    "*.svg" \
    "*.rar" \
[main] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main - LFS server: OK
[main] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main - Converting object without dependencies in 64 threads...
[pool-2-thread-10] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main -   processed: 1/53
[pool-2-thread-52] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main -   processed: 5552/5552
[main] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main -   processed: 5552/5552
[main] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main - Converting object with dependencies in single thread...
[main] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main -   processed: 1/11822
[main] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main -   processed: 11822/11822
[main] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main - Recreating refs...
[main] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main -   convert ref: 1faf1bd2b8e2318d447ea102076fdf197e5b69e6 -> e94cf132efedda41f24cc2a2c01a7600bbd546cc (HEAD)
[main] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main -   convert ref: 5f739d5e545a383b681c93a364f71bba0037197d -> cf3835619245882cf9b17f4d9aa5b1d54803aba0 (refs/heads/docs)
[main] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main -   convert ref: 1faf1bd2b8e2318d447ea102076fdf197e5b69e6 -> e94cf132efedda41f24cc2a2c01a7600bbd546cc (refs/heads/master)
[main] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main -   convert ref: c4df2b7db4e023c4aaa9c61022bc6d024cb96376 -> 8d2756c9a5524a55adb07004ec72df5bff0ff85a (refs/heads/v2)
[main] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main -   convert ref: 1151f5626c1e478e6171913590f5fec6e8ea98b9 -> ad578be5d39e5efea885709321bfd0a7713624df (refs/tags/v1.0.20150820)
[main] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main -   convert ref: d983fc2861533698f74e56599a290cedafc83896 -> a25d1e2f3f07a4ba81963ab3357d267e5fc503ff (refs/tags/v1.0.20150912)
[main] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main -   convert ref: a3238d6924a3ad2859e9cadc2116cdf09dd1aeab -> 518592f6e885b24e1963e03a8c4082c7f57c4378 (refs/tags/v3.0.1.eol)
[main] INFO git.lfs.migrate.Main - Convert time: 444882



# cd
# ll
total 16
-rw-r--r--    1 xiexianbin  staff    23B May 31 19:50 HEAD
drwxr-xr-x    2 xiexianbin  staff    64B May 31 19:50 branches
-rw-r--r--    1 xiexianbin  staff   118B May 31 19:50 config
drwxr-xr-x    2 xiexianbin  staff    64B May 31 19:50 hooks
drwxr-xr-x    3 xiexianbin  staff    96B May 31 19:50 lfs
drwxr-xr-x    3 xiexianbin  staff    96B May 31 19:50 logs
drwxr-xr-x  260 xiexianbin  staff   8.1K May 31 19:50 objects
drwxr-xr-x    4 xiexianbin  staff   128B May 31 19:50 refs
# du -sh .
63M	.
# git gc
Enumerating objects: 16777, done.
Counting objects: 100% (16777/16777), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (16128/16128), done.
Writing objects: 100% (16777/16777), done.
Total 16777 (delta 10821), reused 0 (delta 0)
Removing duplicate objects: 100% (256/256), done.


# git push --mirror
Enumerating objects: 16777, done.
Counting objects: 100% (16777/16777), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (5307/5307), done.
Writing objects: 100% (16777/16777), 65.80 MiB | 1.35 MiB/s, done.
Total 16777 (delta 10821), reused 16777 (delta 10821)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (10821/10821), done.
 + ec928467...e94cf132 master -> master (forced update)
 * [new branch]        docs -> docs
 * [new branch]        v2 -> v2
 * [new tag]           v1.0.20150820 -> v1.0.20150820
 * [new tag]           v1.0.20150912 -> v1.0.20150912
 * [new tag]           v3.0.1.eol -> v3.0.1.eol


# git clone
Cloning into ''...
remote: Enumerating objects: 16777, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (16777/16777), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5307/5307), done.
remote: Total 16777 (delta 10821), reused 16777 (delta 10821), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (16777/16777), 65.80 MiB | 50.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (10821/10821), done.
Filtering content: 100% (539/539), 46.43 MiB | 323.00 KiB/s, done.


约节省空间 100M。

取消 git lfs

  • 确保本地文件最新
git lfs pull
git lfs fetch
  • 删除根目录下 .gitattributes 跟踪文件,删除 lfs 文件
git rm -r --cached static/*
  • 提交
git add .
git commit -m "feature: rm git lfs"
git push


clone 异常问题


oid sha256:a9c00ed0f2dd4104c1879e7fccdc7af4b1fabdb429fd551f1ba2c89eb3124d8a
size 701
This page contains the following errors:
error on line 1 at column 1: Document is empty
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.


git lfs install
git lfs pull


  2. git-lfs-migrate
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