sops 加密文件编辑器介绍

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sops是一个加密文件的编辑器,支持YAMLJSONENVINIBINARY格式,用AWS KMS、GCP KMS、Azure Key Vault、age和PGP进行加密。本文将重点介绍如何安装、使用。


  • sops是一款管理私密信息的、简单且灵活的工具。

安装 下载二进制可执行文件进行安装

mv sops-v3.7.3.darwin.amd64 sops
chmod +x sops
mv sops /usr/local/bin
sops --help



$ sops --help
   sops - sops - encrypted file editor with AWS KMS, GCP KMS, Azure Key Vault, age, and GPG support

   sops is an editor of encrypted files that supports AWS KMS and PGP

   To encrypt or decrypt a document with AWS KMS, specify the KMS ARN
   in the -k flag or in the SOPS_KMS_ARN environment variable.
   (you need valid credentials in ~/.aws/credentials or in your env)

   To encrypt or decrypt a document with GCP KMS, specify the
   GCP KMS resource ID in the --gcp-kms flag or in the SOPS_GCP_KMS_IDS
   environment variable.
   (you need to setup google application default credentials. See

   To encrypt or decrypt a document with HashiCorp Vault's Transit Secret Engine, specify the
   Vault key URI name in the --hc-vault-transit flag or in the SOPS_VAULT_URIS environment variable (eg.
      where '' is the vault server, 'transit' the enginePath, and 'dev' is the name of the key )
   environment variable.
   (you need to enable the Transit Secrets Engine in Vault. See

   To encrypt or decrypt a document with Azure Key Vault, specify the
   Azure Key Vault key URL in the --azure-kv flag or in the SOPS_AZURE_KEYVAULT_URL
   environment variable.
   (authentication is based on environment variables, see
    The user/sp needs the key/encrypt and key/decrypt permissions)

   To encrypt or decrypt using age, specify the recipient in the -a flag, or
   in the SOPS_AGE_RECIPIENTS environment variable.

   To encrypt or decrypt using PGP, specify the PGP fingerprint in the
   -p flag or in the SOPS_PGP_FP environment variable.

   To use multiple KMS or PGP keys, separate them by commas. For example:
       $ sops -p "10F2...0A, 85D...B3F21" file.yaml

   The -p, -k, --gcp-kms, --hc-vault-transit and --azure-kv flags are only used to encrypt new documents. Editing
   or decrypting existing documents can be done with "sops file" or
   "sops -d file" respectively. The KMS and PGP keys listed in the encrypted
   documents are used then. To manage master keys in existing documents, use
   the "add-{kms,pgp,gcp-kms,azure-kv,hc-vault-transit}" and "rm-{kms,pgp,gcp-kms,azure-kv,hc-vault-transit}" flags.

   To use a different GPG binary than the one in your PATH, set SOPS_GPG_EXEC.

   To select a different editor than the default (vim), set EDITOR.

   For more information, see the README at


   AJ Bahnken <>
   Adrian Utrilla <>
   Julien Vehent <>

     exec-env    execute a command with decrypted values inserted into the environment
     exec-file   execute a command with the decrypted contents as a temporary file
     publish     Publish sops file or directory to a configured destination
     keyservice  start a SOPS key service server
     groups      modify the groups on a SOPS file
     updatekeys  update the keys of a SOPS file using the config file
     help, h     Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --decrypt, -d                            decrypt a file and output the result to stdout
   --encrypt, -e                            encrypt a file and output the result to stdout
   --rotate, -r                             generate a new data encryption key and reencrypt all values with the new key
   --kms value, -k value                    comma separated list of KMS ARNs [$SOPS_KMS_ARN]
   --aws-profile value                      The AWS profile to use for requests to AWS
   --gcp-kms value                          comma separated list of GCP KMS resource IDs [$SOPS_GCP_KMS_IDS]
   --azure-kv value                         comma separated list of Azure Key Vault URLs [$SOPS_AZURE_KEYVAULT_URLS]
   --hc-vault-transit value                 comma separated list of vault's key URI (e.g. '') [$SOPS_VAULT_URIS]
   --pgp value, -p value                    comma separated list of PGP fingerprints [$SOPS_PGP_FP]
   --age value, -a value                    comma separated list of age recipients [$SOPS_AGE_RECIPIENTS]
   --in-place, -i                           write output back to the same file instead of stdout
   --extract value                          extract a specific key or branch from the input document. Decrypt mode only. Example: --extract '["somekey"][0]'
   --input-type value                       currently json, yaml, dotenv and binary are supported. If not set, sops will use the file's extension to determine the type
   --output-type value                      currently json, yaml, dotenv and binary are supported. If not set, sops will use the input file's extension to determine the output format
   --show-master-keys, -s                   display master encryption keys in the file during editing
   --add-gcp-kms value                      add the provided comma-separated list of GCP KMS key resource IDs to the list of master keys on the given file
   --rm-gcp-kms value                       remove the provided comma-separated list of GCP KMS key resource IDs from the list of master keys on the given file
   --add-azure-kv value                     add the provided comma-separated list of Azure Key Vault key URLs to the list of master keys on the given file
   --rm-azure-kv value                      remove the provided comma-separated list of Azure Key Vault key URLs from the list of master keys on the given file
   --add-kms value                          add the provided comma-separated list of KMS ARNs to the list of master keys on the given file
   --rm-kms value                           remove the provided comma-separated list of KMS ARNs from the list of master keys on the given file
   --add-hc-vault-transit value             add the provided comma-separated list of Vault's URI key to the list of master keys on the given file ( eg.
   --rm-hc-vault-transit value              remove the provided comma-separated list of Vault's URI key from the list of master keys on the given file ( eg.
   --add-age value                          add the provided comma-separated list of age recipients fingerprints to the list of master keys on the given file
   --rm-age value                           remove the provided comma-separated list of age recipients from the list of master keys on the given file
   --add-pgp value                          add the provided comma-separated list of PGP fingerprints to the list of master keys on the given file
   --rm-pgp value                           remove the provided comma-separated list of PGP fingerprints from the list of master keys on the given file
   --ignore-mac                             ignore Message Authentication Code during decryption
   --unencrypted-suffix value               override the unencrypted key suffix.
   --encrypted-suffix value                 override the encrypted key suffix. When empty, all keys will be encrypted, unless otherwise marked with unencrypted-suffix.
   --unencrypted-regex value                set the unencrypted key suffix. When specified, only keys matching the regex will be left unencrypted.
   --encrypted-regex value                  set the encrypted key suffix. When specified, only keys matching the regex will be encrypted.
   --config value                           path to sops' config file. If set, sops will not search for the config file recursively.
   --encryption-context value               comma separated list of KMS encryption context key:value pairs
   --set value                              set a specific key or branch in the input document. value must be a json encoded string. (edit mode only). eg. --set '["somekey"][0] {"somevalue":true}'
   --shamir-secret-sharing-threshold value  the number of master keys required to retrieve the data key with shamir (default: 0)
   --verbose                                Enable verbose logging output
   --output value                           Save the output after encryption or decryption to the file specified
   --enable-local-keyservice                use local key service
   --keyservice value                       Specify the key services to use in addition to the local one. Can be specified more than once. Syntax: protocol://address. Example: tcp://
   --help, -h                               show help
   --version, -v                            print the version

使用PGP key加密

  • 什么是 GPG 以及如何生成参考 GPG 使用介绍
  • 配置 sops 使用的 GPG 命令,默认为 gpg
$ ~/.bashrc
  • sops 通过 .sops.yaml 文件 .sops.yaml 配置加密规则,下面示例是 password 的信息加密,而且指定 gpg 的 fingerprint
$ cat << EOF > .sops.yaml
  - encrypted_regex: '^(pwd|password)$'
    pgp: 'B5A1B728A2FD170FE0E6C4E2D6B71988603A67D2'
  • secrets.yaml 要加密的文件
$ cat << EOF > secrets.yaml
pwd: Pwd
password: Password
  • 加密
$ sops -e secrets.yaml
[PGP]	 WARN[0000] Deprecation Warning: GPG key fetching from a keyserver within sops will be removed in a future version of sops. See for more information.
pwd: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:RC+j,iv:HWFwKyq2ijBFA3txl+LXtuHqvMlnbSs/sRve7Cty8q4=,tag:G/nzBqCJQNowhLMDjD0GIw==,type:str]
password: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:Sca2XL19AH0=,iv:rZkseHfZ5MyXtV54KJ21JZQqDstd/BN1UNdU1ykPggY=,tag:BV3EXRMWkapjTU4sQ6r7NQ==,type:str]
    kms: []
    gcp_kms: []
    azure_kv: []
    hc_vault: []
    age: []
    lastmodified: "2023-01-01T05:47:57Z"
    mac: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:yXUvvTofaGlyCGpGW7D9T4+FKwTv0bBNmJBqrhHQ01w57Tb0Ht6+8JwMbk/DHf1N7kewSronn6GZ0XnaBtqpp4DX69Q9VKTmE9kcNd7hSXjvHNUGNKoIxXsfhMVRQiBInGXjpFbuSvOHyrEYztlJ3xtRNVAMudC8FVverW42IEM=,iv:w9Ui7DXky1bTyk8X1t+Riwu4UCVctePYHJKuIejEWqk=,tag:axyu4boweQ5lrMudRGTH4g==,type:str]
        - created_at: "2023-01-01T05:47:54Z"
          enc: |-
            -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----

            -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
          fp: B5A1B728A2FD170FE0E6C4E2D6B71988603A67D2
    encrypted_regex: ^(pwd|password)$
    version: 3.7.3


age 文件加密

age 是是一个简单、现代、安全的文件加密工具。

  • 安装
# mac
brew install age

# ubuntu 22+
apt install age
  • 加密
sops --encrypt --age age1yt3tfqlfrwdwx0z0ynwplcr6qxcxfaqycuprpmy89nr83ltx74tqdpszlw test.yaml > test.enc.yaml
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