Certmonger Linux 证书管理介绍

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certmonger 用来管理、跟踪和续订LInux系统中的证书


certmonger 由两个主要组成部分:

  • certmonger 守护进程 用来跟踪证书列表,并支持续订
  • getcert 命令行CLI 通过命令行的方式向 certmonger 发送命令,管理证书


apt install -y certmonger

systemctl enable certmonger.service

getcert 使用

  • help
getcert -h ...
$ getcert
getcert - client certificate enrollment tool

Usage: getcert command [options]
request        	request a new certificate from a CA
start-tracking 	begin monitoring an already-issued certificate
stop-tracking  	stop monitoring a certificate
resubmit       	resubmit an in-progress enrollment request, or start a new one
rekey          	generate a new private key and replace a certificate
refresh        	check on the status of an in-progress enrollment request
list           	list certificates being monitored and requested
status         	check the status of a certificate being monitored or requested
add-ca         	add a CA configuration
add-scep-ca    	add an SCEP CA configuration
list-cas       	list known CA configurations
modify-ca      	modify a CA configuration
refresh-ca     	refresh cache of all information obtained from a CA
remove-ca      	remove a CA configuration
  • demo
# 请求新证书
$ getcert request -K HTTP/domain.xiexianbin.cn -k /etc/pki/tls/private/httpd.key -f /etc/pki/tls/certs/httpd.crt -g 2048 -D domain.xiexianbin.cn -C "systemctl restart httpd"

# 查看 certmonger 跟踪的证书列表
$ getcert list
$ getcert list -i <name> -v

# 启动或停止跟踪证书
$ getcert stop-tracking -i <name>
$ getcert start-tracking -c IPA -k /etc/pki/tls/private/httpd.key -f /etc/pki/tls/certs/httpd.crt

# 续订证书,跟踪的证书自动更新
$ getcert resubmit -i <name>
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