ClusterShell 是一个事件驱动的开源 Python 库,旨在在服务器场或大型 Linux 集群上并行运行本地或远程命令。
yum install -y clustershell
pip install ClusterShell
$ clush --help
Usage: clush [options] command
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
optional groups.conf(5) group source to use
-n, --nostdin don't watch for possible input from stdin
--groupsconf=FILE use alternate config file for groups.conf(5)
--conf=FILE use alternate config file for clush.conf(5)
override any key=value clush.conf(5) options
Selecting target nodes:
-w NODES nodes where to run the command
-x NODES exclude nodes from the node list
-a, --all run command on all nodes
-g GROUP, --group=GROUP
run command on a group of nodes
-X GROUP exclude nodes from this group
--hostfile=FILE, --machinefile=FILE
path to file containing a list of target hosts
--topology=FILE topology configuration file to use for tree mode
--pick=N pick N node(s) at random in nodeset
Output behaviour:
-q, --quiet be quiet, print essential output only
-v, --verbose be verbose, print informative messages
-d, --debug output more messages for debugging purpose
-G, --groupbase do not display group source prefix
-L disable header block and order output by nodes
-N disable labeling of command line
-P, --progress show progress during command execution
-b, --dshbak gather nodes with same output
-B like -b but including standard error
-r, --regroup fold nodeset using node groups
-S return the largest of command return codes
--color=WHENCOLOR whether to use ANSI colors (never, always or auto)
--diff show diff between gathered outputs
File copying:
-c, --copy copy local file or directory to remote nodes
--rcopy copy file or directory from remote nodes
--dest=DEST_PATH destination file or directory on the nodes
-p preserve modification times and modes
Connection options:
-f FANOUT, --fanout=FANOUT
use a specified fanout
-l USER, --user=USER
execute remote command as user
-o OPTIONS, --options=OPTIONS
can be used to give ssh options
limit time to connect to a node
limit time for command to run on the node
-R WORKER, --worker=WORKER
worker name to use for command execution ('exec',
'rsh', 'ssh', etc. default is 'ssh')
--remote=REMOTE whether to enable remote execution: in tree mode,
'yes' forces connections to the leaf nodes for
execution, 'no' establishes connections up to the leaf
parent nodes for execution (default is 'yes')
使用前提是配置无密码登录,或使用 sshpass。更多配置参考:/etc/clustershell/clush.conf
group 配置参考:
$ cat /etc/clustershell/groups.d/local.cfg
# ClusterShell groups config local.cfg
# Replace /etc/clustershell/groups
# Note: file auto-loaded unless /etc/clustershell/groups is present
# See also groups.d/cluster.yaml.example for an example of multiple
# sources single flat file setup using YAML syntax.
# Feel free to edit to fit your needs.
adm: example0
oss: example4 example5
mds: example6
io: example[4-6]
compute: example[32-159]
gpu: example[156-159]
all: example[4-6,32-159]
# group
clush -g adm date
# 指定节点
clush -w 192.168.0.[2,3] date
clush -w c[01-10] date
clush -w c[01-10] -x c02 date # 排除 c02
clush -w c[01-10] -l test date # 使用test用户执行
# 批处理模式
clush -w, -b