Kubebuilder FaQ

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kubebuilder Operator 使用过程的 FaQ 汇总


make run 错误

  • 错误日志
1.662972455727089e+09	ERROR	setup	problem running manager	{"error": "open /var/folders/ql/nw5zyrg905z78mq4kwmq1lg00000gn/T/k8s-webhook-server/serving-certs/tls.crt: no such file or directory"}
exit status 1
make: *** [run] Error 1
  • 原因:main.go SetupWebhookWithManager 导致的问题
	if err = (&xcav1alpha1.Xtls{}).SetupWebhookWithManager(mgr); err != nil {
		setupLog.Error(err, "unable to create webhook", "webhook", "Xtls")
  • 解决方式,修改 main.go 文件,如下:
	setupLog.Info("ENABLE_WEBHOOKS setting", "ENABLE_WEBHOOKS", os.Getenv("ENABLE_WEBHOOKS"))
	if os.Getenv("ENABLE_WEBHOOKS") == "true" {
		if err = (&xcav1alpha1.Xtls{}).SetupWebhookWithManager(mgr); err != nil {
			setupLog.Error(err, "unable to create webhook", "webhook", "Xtls")

通过变量指定不启用 Webhooks:export ENABLE_WEBHOOKS=false


  • Observed a panic in reconciler: odd number of arguments passed as key-value pairs for logging 问题

logger := log.FromContext(ctx)logger.Info(k,v) 字段重复

Mac make test 错误

  • 错误日志

  Unexpected error:
      <*fmt.wrapError | 0xc00043e700>: {
          msg: "unable to start control plane itself: failed to start the controlplane. retried 5 times: exec: \"etcd\": executable file not found in $PATH",
          err: <*fmt.wrapError | 0xc00043e6e0>{
              msg: "failed to start the controlplane. retried 5 times: exec: \"etcd\": executable file not found in $PATH",
              err: <*exec.Error | 0xc00043e6a0>{
                  Name: "etcd",
                  Err: <*errors.errorString | 0xc0001103c0>{
                      s: "executable file not found in $PATH",
      unable to start control plane itself: failed to start the controlplane. retried 5 times: exec: "etcd": executable file not found in $PATH
  • 修复步骤

下载 https://storage.googleapis.com/storage/v1/b/kubebuilder-tools/o/kubebuilder-tools-1.24.2-darwin-amd64.tar.gz

// 安装 envtest,需要翻墙下载依赖
$ ./bin/setup-envtest use
Version: 1.25.0
OS/Arch: darwin/amd64
md5: KzqRlFTKdS1HlJ/n7W0+LQ==
Path: /Users/xiexianbin/Library/Application Support/io.kubebuilder.envtest/k8s/1.25.0-darwin-amd64

// 查看下载的内容
$ ls ${HOME}/Library/Application\ Support/io.kubebuilder.envtest/k8s/1.25.0-darwin-amd64
etcd           kube-apiserver kubectl

// 添加环境变量
$ export PATH=$PATH:${HOME}/Library/Application\ Support/io.kubebuilder.envtest/k8s/1.25.0-darwin-amd64

// 重新测试,正常
$ make test


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